⚠️ NOT Having Sex In 2024? – 10 Shocking Health Risks

    Sex is always a hot topic for most people. Unfortunately, today’s topic is about the top 10 shocking health risks and problems of NOT having sex for a while.

    And I bring this up because, in the past few years, there’s been a huge DECLINE in people having sex, especially men.

    For example, in men between the ages of 18-24, there’s a 31% increase in reporting “NO sexual activity for the past 12 months

    Also, inactivity has increased by 14% in men between 25-34.

    Even with couples who live together, sexual activity has dropped by as much as 23%.

    Now, what are the potential causes and the solutions?

    I’ll get to that at the end of this article.

    But for now, let’s start with the 10 health risks.

    By the way, #10 is my favorite because there was an episode of Seinfeld about it. It’s super funny…

    10 Health Risks Of Not Having Sex

    1. Erectile Dysfunction

    As the saying goes, “Use it or lose it”.

    That’s right, in a 2008 study in The American Journal of Medicine, abstinence and not having sex, increases the likelihood of erectile dysfunction and impotence.

    Erectile dysfunction

    I’ll give you the reasons for this later.

    However, not ejaculating regularly can also cause prostate growth and possibly prostate cancer.

    For what it’s worth, the good news is that you can ejaculate on your own – so at least do that 1-2x a week for healthy prostate function.

    2. Vaginal Problems

    Not having sex causes erectile problems in men.

    In women, some will say that the vagina will get smaller and tighter – which might be a positive benefit for some women and their partners.

    Or, the vagina might start to grow cobwebs… which I’m just joking.

    However, the truth is that a woman’s pelvic floor muscles will get weaker and atrophy and shrink.

    vaginal problems

    This can lead to bladder problems, urine leakage, and incontinence.

    This is a problem in older women and one big reason is the lack of sex and of course, a weaker pelvic floor muscle.

    This can be fixed by doing Kegel Exercises. I’ve done a video about this in the past so take a look if you want.

    3. No Sex – Lowered Immune System

    Not having sex can lower your immune system.

    lack of immunity

    The act of connecting with someone, touching, smelling, and the cardiovascular exercise of having sex all boost your immune system.

    Sorry, masturbation doesn’t replace this.

    4. Decreased Libido

    There’s a decrease in libido and sex drive when you don’t have sex for a while.

    no sex

    Something interesting to note is that Sex is not a drive that becomes more and more prominent without it – like hunger.

    Sex is a reward system, and when we’re having good sex, we want more good sex.

    And the opposite is true… After a while of not having sex, you think about it and crave it less.

    This causes a decrease in youth hormones.

    5. Negative Mood

    Not having sex can for sure cause negative changes in your mood and this affects both men and women, but differently.

    For most women, sex is more emotional. They feel most loved and connected. Thus, not having sex can cause them to feel unloved, depressed, anxious, and more stressed.

    It’s not just emotional either because when you have sex, there’s a release of “happy” and “bonding” chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

    In men, it’s different in that when they don’t have sex, their self-esteem lowers. Their stress hormones such as cortisol also increase, causing them to feel more agitated, short-tempered, and angry.

    Nothing makes a man feel important, happy, more giving, and relaxed like sex.

    On the flip side, not having sex for a while when you’re in a relationship, can cause insecurities about your relationship. This causes worry, jealousy and anxiety.

    6. Lack Of Sex & Decrease In Testosterone

    As stated earlier, there can be an increase in stress hormones such as cortisol.

    Well, as cortisol levels increase, testosterone levels decrease in both men and women, but especially in men.

    When testosterone levels drop, you’ll have less DESIRE to have sex. A lowered libido.

    Physically, this can lead to erectile problems in men and vaginal dryness in women.

    It’s a negative circle because when you have less desire or you can’t physically perform sexually, then you’ll end up having LESS sex. And less sex further decreases your testosterone levels.

    And remember, testosterone is the primary hormone in both men and women, which controls your sexual desire and performance.

    7. No Sex – Less Intelligence & Poor Memory

    There was an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine stopped having sex with her boyfriend so he could study more and become a doctor.

    While at the same time, George stopped having sex with his girlfriend because of a medical thing she was going through.

    Well… the outcome was the total opposite.

    Elain became dumb and forgetful. While George became much smarter.


    So, which is it? Does NOT having sex make you smarter or dumber?

    More or less intelligent?

    Scientists have demonstrated that sexual activity boosts neuron growth in the brain’s hippocampus.

    This means that having sex is good for your brain, as well as your body.

    It keeps you young.

    Now, in the case of the episode of Seinfeld, because George couldn’t have sex for a few weeks, his brain was not consumed by sex and it caused him to be more productive – which I find to be accurate.

    However, not having sex doesn’t make you more intelligent… as far as the research has shown.

    Why Aren’t People Not Having Sex?

    So the real question is, why aren’t people not having as much sex?

    Well, there are lots of reasons I’m sure. A big one is that most people are consumed by their phones and the internet. So, they aren’t interacting with other people in the real world, in person.

    Especially men – who are already not very social compared to women.

    Add in all the porn they can consume at their fingertips, anywhere, anytime, any place … and the desire to seek out women, to talk to them, and be intimate has been decreased.

    However, there’s another major factor to all of this and that’s the fact that testosterone levels have plummeted over the past few decades. It’s probably half what it used to be just 40-50 years ago.

    low testosterone

    And, this also affects women too.

    YES, testosterone controls sexual desire and performance in both men and women.

    And YES, women have more testosterone than they do estrogen… just like men do.

    We just have different total amounts of each.

    So the point of all of this is that when you have low testosterone, your desire for sex has decreased tremendously. It’s just not on your mind.

    And many men also have erectile problems. So, even IF they do want to have sex, they are worried and concerned about their ability to perform sexually. To get an erection and maintain it.

    So, this further causes men to retract inward and become isolated.


    The bottom line is that NOT having regular sex is not healthy for your body and mind.

    It’s not good for your self-esteem or your relationship.

    And all of this is linked to lowered testosterone levels.

    So my suggestion is to naturally maximize your testosterone levels.

    Secondly, you need to put yourself out there and start interacting with people. Human contact is very important for health.

    Your phone and the internet are NOT a substitute for a human. Use it to keep in touch and maintain relationships. But in person is what causes relationships to grow and create sexual chemistry.

    1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/all-about-sex/202106/why-people-are-having-so-much-less-sex
    2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0953-1
    3. https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343%2808%2900314-8/abstract
    4. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022146516661597?journalCode=hsbb
    5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2734290/
    6. https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(08)00314-8/fulltext
    7. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022146516661597?journalCode=hsbb
    8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2539416/How-sex-make-smarter-Scientists-say-encourages-growth-brain-cells-improves-long-term-memory.html
    9. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/01/how-sex-affects-intelligence-and-vice-versa/282889/
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