It’s 2024 and having a healthy heart, clean arteries and strong blood flow + circulation is more important than ever.
Considering heart problems is the #1 killer in the world, killing more people each year than all the other, I figured I’d write a short article about the 21 best foods that can help clean your arteries, support healthy blood flow and circulation… and help you avoid heart problems.
So let’s get started:
Atherosclerosis is when the arteries harden which is caused by inflammation. A yellow spice known as turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which supports a healthy inflammatory response in the arteries. This in turn supports healthy blood flow.
Fruits rich with antioxidants improve the walls of the arteries. Pomegranate is especially heart-friendly due to the presence of phytochemicals that are powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate increases the production of nitric oxide, which supports healthy blood flow and expands the arteries.
Broccoli is a good source of proteins for vegetarians. Broccoli contains vitamin K which is beneficial for bone formation. Vitamin K also protects the arteries from damage by taking cholesterol out of the blood and into your bones, where it should be. Besides vitamin K, broccoli is rich in fiber, which supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Fatty fish
Seafood is beneficial on various levels – mental health, brain, vision, and building muscles and also acts as a potent anti-inflammatory. One of the reasons for all of these benefits is the high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids – which protect your heart and support healthy lipid and triglyceride levels. The best fish is wild-caught salmon.
Almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts are heart-friendly nuts. These nuts contain vitamin E which can protect the walls of the arteries. Nuts also contain fibers that also help support healthy cholesterol levels in the blood. However, the best “heart health” nut is probably walnuts because they are also high in Omega 3 fats.
Monounsaturated Fats (Olive and/or Macadamia Nut oil)
Olive oil is known to have several health benefits, but it is one of the best oils to prevent a buildup of cholesterol in the blood. Besides cholesterol, olive oil can also support healthy blood pressure. Olive oil comes under monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are both beneficial fats for the body. Olives also contain powerful polyphenols. Don’t cook with olive oil, eat it raw.
Another monounsaturated fat, similar to Olive oil is Macadamia nut oil. It’s also very heart-friendly. The one benefit is that you CAN heat and cook Macadamia nut oil when you shouldn’t the olive oil.
Cinnamon has many benefits. The first is that it lowers fats in your blood, which helps prevent blockages in the vessels. Additionally, it helps support healthy blood sugar levels. Most people don’t know that high blood sugar and insulin, corrode the lining of your vessels and arteries, making them weak.
Oranges are great because they’re high in vitamin C, which helps lower the stress hormone, cortisol. This is important because it also helps support healthy inflammatory responses. Additionally, oranges contain a fiber called pectin, which helps support healthy cholesterol levels and also healthy blood flow.
Tea has many health benefits, especially for your heart. One of the best is green tea because it helps improve your metabolism, which can help you lose weight – which is always beneficial for your heart. Green tea also contains antioxidants such as polyphenols, which can help strengthen arterial walls and also reduce blood clots.
Watermelon contains an amino acid called Citrulline, which helps increase nitric oxide levels. This relaxes and dilates blood vessels and thus, helps support healthy blood flow and circulation.
Spinach contains carotene, which helps prevent cholesterol from getting clogged in the arteries. Spinach can also help support healthy blood pressure, which is another bonus.
Like pomegranate and tea, tomato too contains antioxidants that protect the arterial walls. In tomatoes, lycopene supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Beans contain fiber and folic acid, which prevents arteries from getting clogged. Beans are also a good source of low-glycemic carbohydrates, which means your blood sugar won’t spike up.
Like oranges, apples also contain the fiber, pectin … which absorbs cholesterol from the blood. However, make sure you eat the skin, that’s where the majority of the fiber is.
The pink grapefruit is rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which is also present in tomatoes. Pink grapefruit helps prevent damage to your arteries and doesn’t affect blood sugar levels very much.
One of the best vegetables for clearing arteries is asparagus because it’s full of fiber and minerals, as well as a long list of “heart-healthy” vitamins including K, B1, B2, C, and E. Asparagus is a natural diuretic, that supports healthy blood pressure and prevents blood clots!
Studies have shown that the daily consumption of avocado results in healthy blood cholesterol and triglycerides and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) of around 22% and an 11% increase in HDL – the “good” cholesterol. All of this keeps your arteries clean and supports healthy blood flow.
Chia Seeds
The fiber and alpha-linolenic acid contained in just two ounces of Chia seeds can help keep arteries clear by supporting healthy blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and increasing HDL cholesterol.
Coconut Oil
Disregard the old myth that all saturated fats are bad and the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of coconut oil – about 2 or 3 tablespoons per day – can help to reduce plaque build-up in the arteries by aiding the conversion of cholesterol in the bloodstream into a form that our bodies can use. This way, there won’t be plaque buildup in your arteries.
Whole Grains
I know a lot of people think carbohydrates are bad, but they aren’t. Man-made, “bleached” carbs such as certain bread, pastries, and snacks should be avoided. However, whole-grain bread, rice, quinoa, barley, and oatmeal have good amounts of fiber, support healthy cholesterol levels, keep arteries clear, and your colon happy.
Ginger has many amazing qualities. It’s anti-inflammatory and works similarly to aspirin, but without any side effects. Ginger fights against atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries. Ginger inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation, which is a part of blood that can “clump” together and cause blood clotting. Ginger may also increase ATP production in the heart and enhance calcium transport within heart cells.
So there you have it… 21 foods that can help clean your arteries.
Eat as many of them as you can and stay consistent by eating at least 1-2 of these foods daily.
Don’t forget to exercise!
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