5 Pressure Points For Healthy Blood Pressure (2024)

    There are a lot of different ways to improve your health and this also applies to today’s topic of healthy blood pressure.

    Of course, lifestyle improvement is the most important:

    • Diet – What you eat/drink and don’t eat/drink
    • Exercise – both cardiovascular and lifting weights
    • Stress Management
    • Nutritional Supplements

    In fact, at the end of today’s article, I’ll tell you exactly how my dad got healthy blood pressure, naturally.

    However, when it comes to lowering blood pressure, you can also do so with 5 simple and proven pressure points on your body.

    This is really important because obviously, you don’t need drugs. But also because the benefits are felt instantly and it’s super easy and convenient. You can activate these pressure points anytime, anywhere.

    Just remember, as of 2024, in the US, 33% of the population has blood pressure points. Over 50% have “pre” condition. Sadly, about 75% of people don’t even know they have blood pressure and thus, are at risk for heart or kidney problems.

    And this is why blood pressure is called “the silent killer”… people just don’t know they have it and there are no clear symptoms either.

    So, let’s get started with:

    Pressure point #1 is LI 4 (Large Intestine 4)

    LI4 pressure points for blood pressure
    LI 4 (Large Intestine 4) is really easy to get to. It’s in that “meaty” part of your upper hand, between your thumb and forefinger. Just use your other hand’s thumb to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes or treat it with a pulsating movement.

    In addition to supporting healthy blood pressure, it also helps treat chronic pain and boosts your immune system.

    Pressure Point #2 is PC 6 (Pericardium 6 or “Inner Gate”)

    PC6 pressure pointsPC 6 (Pericardium 6 or “Inner Gate”) is also easy to get to. It’s on your inner forearm. To find it, go approximately 3 fingers up from your wrist – it’s at the bottom of your inner forearm basically.

    It helps your heart and settles your blood pressure by regulating your circulatory system. It can also treat nausea, headaches, and motion sickness.

    Pressure Point #3 is LV 3 (Liver 3)

    LV3 pressure points

    This is on your foot, between your big toe and second toe. Again, apply pressure for about a minute. This helps with blood pressure, in addition to menstrual pains and anxiety.

    In general, your feet have a variety of pressure points, which, when massaged, can bring a great improvement to your health. In fact, there’s an entire healing practice focused on your feet and it’s called Reflexology.

    Pressure Point #4 is GB 20 (Gallbladder 20 or the “Wind Pool”)

    GB20 pressure points

    This is found at the base of your neck, right under your skull. There are 2 points actually on each side of your vertebrae. Again, apply gentle pressure on both of these points, left and right, for about a minute.

    Keep your hands steady, and don’t involve any other motion. When doing it to yourself, use your thumbs.

    Pressure Point #5 is GV 20 (Governing Vessel 20 or “Hundred Convergences”)

    GV20 pressure points

    This is found at the top of your head, in the middle. You can massage or press this point to support healthy blood pressure, treat dizziness, or just feel more rested.


    These are the 5 best pressure points for supporting healthy blood pressure.

    Of course, as stated earlier… the problem is that there are no symptoms of blood pressure problems, so you never know if you have it or not thus, when do you use these pressure points?…

    I suggest you use them to simply relax when you feel stressed, tired, or overwhelmed.

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