🥬 Celery For Healthy Blood Pressure -TIP For 2024

    If you want to have healthy blood pressure, you can do so naturally. You don’t need medication. You don’t even have to change your diet or exercise either.

    One simple way to support your blood pressure is to use a specific form of Celery Seed Extract.

    • Clinically proven to help support healthy blood pressure in only 3 weeks.
    • Works similarly to calcium channel blocking drugs, but without the negative drug side-effects.
    • Has many vascular benefits – preventing strokes, improvement of cognition and memory, preventing Alzheimer’s
    • Nontoxic and safe for long-term usage.
    • The active ingredient 3nB (short for L-3-n-butylphthalide) found in the extract, is equivalent to 50 lbs of celery stalk, which is about 500 stalks of celery. So, instead of eating all of that food, you can simply take celery seed extract.

    You need a minimum of 150 mgs daily of celery seed extract, standardized at 85% 3nB (42.5% phthalides). The most potent form is called Celery3nB™


    However, there’s a special way to make Celery Seed Extract work 3x better and that’s to combine it with 4 other specific food “extracts” that are clinically proven to support healthy blood pressure naturally.

    In fact, this is the same formula my own dad uses to support healthy blood pressure.

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