👉 Do THIS Right Now For Healthy Blood Pressure In 2024

    If you’re concerned about avoiding heart problems, and you want strong kidneys — then you MUST focus on having healthy blood pressure levels and I suggest on the lower end. Less than 120/80.


    Unfortunately, 1 in 3 adults (33%) has stage 1 or stage 2 blood pressure and doesn’t even know it. About 55% of adults have some form of pre-condition and don’t know it.

    And the older you are, the higher your blood pressure is – regardless if you’re male or female.

    This is primarily due to genetics and more so, the negative changes in your hormones as you age.

    In fact, a few months ago, my own blood pressure was starting to go higher and higher.

    I didn’t think much of it at first, because I was dealing with extra stress, work, family, less sleep, etc. So, I figured it was just temporary.

    However, one day I checked and it was 143/87 — which is the highest I’ve ever seen it.

    So, I stopped to see what could be causing it and more importantly, how I can quickly and naturally lower it back down.

    And the good news is that within a week, I was back to normal, healthy ranges and I’ve been there for the past couple of months.

    And I did it by making only 3 simple changes, so you can do the same!

    More Water

    The first thing I noticed is that I wasn’t drinking as much water as I usually did. I love water and I drink at least a gallon or more a day.

    It’s good for my organs, skin, hair, muscles, joints, energy levels, circulation, and yes – blood pressure.

    However, due to my hectic schedule, I was drinking less than half.

    So, I immediately increased the water and I noticed the positive results quickly. Granted, I was peeing a lot the first couple of days, but my body quickly adapted.

    Pressure Points For Blood Pressure

    Since I had been under extra stress lately, I decided to utilize 3 pressure points that’ll instantly lower your blood pressure.

    These are:

    Acupressure Point LI4


    PC 6




    Now, I’ve done an article about these 3 pressure points and how to do it correctly.

    Natural Options For Blood Pressure

    Again, being extra busy and dealing with more stress than usual, caused me to break my usual daily habits. Basically, “life” got in the way.

    Forgetting to drink enough of water was one of them.

    But the second one was I stopped taking herbs and supplements.

    I ran out of it and then just forgot to get more. That’s when I realized it had been over 3 months since I had taken this natural supplement.

    So, I immediately started taking herbs and vitamins again and by the end of the first week, my blood pressure was down to around 120/80

    I’ve had numerous readings in the 110/70 range over the past month.

    Here’s a link where you get more details about the natural supplement  I take, how it works, the ingredients, and so forth.


    So if you’re concerned about blood pressure problems, the first thing to do is just drink more water. Even 1-2 cups more is a good start. I suggest you do half your body weight in ounces.

    Use 3 proven pressure points during times of stress to help support healthy blood pressure.

    And make sure you take natural herbs and supplements daily, which work quickly and give you safe, long-term, healthy blood pressure levels.

    No harmful drugs. No crazy diets.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide