How To Optimize The 7 Clinically Proven Energy Pathways For Your Body & Mind

    Have More ENERGY & Better MEMORY

    Today I’m going to discuss one of the most important aspects of health and more so, about your LIFE. And this has to do with how you can quickly and dramatically increase your energy levels for both your body AND mind.

    And I’m not talking about fake or temporary energy you get from stimulants like caffeine.

    What you’ll discover will allow your body to produce maximum energy levels from within, naturally … all day long.

    As far as your BODY — this means more physical energy, better muscular stamina, and faster recovery.

    As far as your MIND — this means better memory, more focus, and improved mental speed and cognition.

    All of this leads to amazing anti-aging qualities, which allows you to get the MOST out of your life, every single day.

    Because let’s face it, when you have maximum energy – you can do anything!

    • You’ll wake up happier.
    • You’ll get more work done.
    • You’ll have the energy to exercise.
    • You’ll be able to keep up with your kids.
    • You’ll be more productive.

    … and all of this leads to a more fulfilling and youthful life!

    But when you’re tired and fatigued — you don’t want to do anything. You can’t give to your relationships, let alone yourself.

    Heck, you can’t even enjoy your leisure time because you’re just too tired and you’ll probably want to just do nothing other than sleep and watch TV.

    Because this is such an important topic, I’m going to do a multi-part series about it.

    Rather than one long article, I’ll make about 7 short ones that will allow you to easily fix each of the 7 energy pathways. You’ll be able to quickly implement what I suggest and thus, allow you to see instant improvements within days or even hours.

    7 Energy Pathways

    So today I’m going to give a quick overview of the 7 energy pathways that will allow you to optimize and maximize your energy levels for both your BODY and BRAIN.

    Pathway #1: Stress / Adrenal / Cortisol

    Stress disrupts multiple biochemical pathways, including cortisol production (a primary stress hormone), adrenal production (a primary cause of fatigue), pro-inflammatory enzyme production (a primary cause of disease) and neurotransmitter production (a primary cause of brain aging).2,3,4

    Sadly, an estimated 75% – 90% of visits to primary care physicians are now related to the effects of stress.5

    You may not be able to stop stress, but for longevity and health reasons, you need to give your body specific nutrients to help manage and reduce “stress side-effects”.

    Stress depletes your body of key hormones and nutrients, which cause physical, mental, and emotional fatigue.

    So our job is to give your body what it’s lacking, so it can easily manage daily stress.

    Pathway #2: Mitochondria

    Mitochondrial function is one of the most important metrics of whole-body health. Mitochondria are located in every cell and tissue in the human body.1

    In fact, your muscles contain the highest mitochondrial content of any tissue in your body. This includes your heart muscle too.

    Mitochondria oxidize or “burn” carbohydrates, proteins, and fatty acids for energy. When this is done correctly, the foods you eat get utilized for energy and “heat”, rather than stored as body fat.

    Unfortunately, as we age our mitochondria production dramatically drops.

    This explains why we have less energy, lose muscle, feel colder, have heart disease, and get fatter.

    Pathway #3: ATP

    All of this energy that’s being produced by Mitochondria, is done so by yielding ATP – which stands for adenosine triphosphate.

    Having higher levels of ATP provides more of the energy molecules needed to perform many daily activities.6

    Simply stated, mitochondria produce ATP, and ATP is absolutely essential for survival. Without a sufficient generation of ATP, life would cease to exist.

    Pathway #4: Dopamine

    Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and cognition.

    It’s known as the anti-aging “pleasure chemical”

    Unfortunately, dopamine levels decline as we age resulting in decreased mental performance, depression, “drive”,  and accelerated brain aging.7

    Pathway #5: Acetylcholine

    A decline in acetylcholine levels coincides with advancing age and is a hallmark of neurodegeneration, which can lead to memory loss.

    Proper acetylcholine function is essential to muscle control, sleep, and cognition.8

    Pathway #6: Circulation & Oxygen

    There are 3 things we need to survive:

    1. Food – without it we’d typically die in about a week
    2. Water – without it we’d die in about 3 days
    3. Oxygen – without it we’d die in minutes

    Unfortunately, as we age, oxygen usage drops and so does blood circulation.

    And remember, your blood contains all the nutrients, enzymes, hormones and everything you need to heal, grow and survive.

    Most people don’t know that the brain requires a great deal of oxygen and circulation. In fact, cerebral blood flow is about 15% of cardiac output… Which is where all of your “blood” pumping is done.

    Proper brain health, diseases prevention and anti-aging benefits, requires optimal cerebral circulation and oxygen utilization.

    Pathway #7: Nootropic

    Now, this final method of increasing bull body energy levels has to do with utilizing nootropics. This isn’t a pathway, but something that has dramatic anti-aging benefits.

    Nootropics, a Greek word meaning ‘Towards the Mind’, are compounds that are known as cognitive enhancers, which help optimize brain functions and improve brain health.

    They help

    • boost both mental and physical energy
    • enhance memory and recall10
    • increase mental speed, concentration and focus13
    • anti-aging benefits12
    • promote higher IQ/intelligence 11,13

    Is There A Simple Solution?

    So I know I just covered a bunch of medical jargon and you may be thinking “okay, so now what?… is there a simple solution that fixes all of this at once?”

    Yes, there is a solution … But it’s not simple. It’s actually very complicated.

    However, the good news for you and me is that the solution is VERY EASY to implement and you can see and feel results the same day.

    2. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. 2012 Jun;7(2):161-71.
    3. Science. 2010 Dec 3;330(6009):1349-54.
    4. J Clin Sleep Med. 2007 Dec 15;3(7):681-8
    6. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003 Dec;136(6):585-7
    7. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul;17(7):635-7.
    8. Nitsch R, et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci. (1991)
    9. Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Feb 15;71(4):294-300.
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