#1 Best Fat You Must Eat Daily – from FRUIT! (2024)


    Video Summary

    Fats are very important for your overall health and longevity – but If there was one type of fat you had to eat every day, what would it be?

    If I had to pick just ONE type of fat, it would be monounsaturated fats.

    Benefits Of Monosaturated Fats

    Some of the health benefits of monounsaturated fats:

    • Can help with weight loss.
    • Good for your heart because they can support healthy cholesterol and triglycerides levels and even blood pressure
    • Helps support healthy insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels
    • Promotes healthy inflammatory response and pain

    As you can see, these are huge benefits allowing you to truly live a healthier and longer life.

    Two Best Fat Sources

    So, what are the two best food sources for monounsaturated fats?…. I would say Olives and Avocados.

    Now, there are other sources high in monounsaturated fats and some have more – such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios for example.

    However, these nuts can have allergic reactions in many people, so they aren’t the safest.

    Olives and Avocados are very safe and they are technically a FRUIT because they have a seed.

    However, I personally categorize them as fats, since the majority of the calories are from fats.

    Best Way To Have Your Fats

    When it comes to consumption, it’s always better to eat the actual FOOD, rather than processed oil. Thus, olives instead of olive oil, and avocados instead of avocado oil.

    The whole fruit has other benefits, nutrients, fiber, etc.

    However, I personally do NOT like how olives taste – so in this case, I would have extra virgin olive oil.

    Now, avocados are different – I like how they taste and I think most people do, so I would just have that as a whole food and NOT Avocado oil.

    As far as cooking with them, both can withstand heat well, avocado oil is better. However, I would suggest that you do NOT heat these fats – eat them at room temperature.

    And keep in mind that they are fats and thus, dense and high in calories.

    Conclusion & Summary

    We all need some healthy fats in our diets and monounsaturated are one of the best the two best sources I’ve found are fruits – olives and avocados.

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