🍫 Dark Chocolate Scam In 2024 – Gundry, Mercola, Aspery

    The more articles I do, the more comments and questions I get, the more frustrated I’m getting due to all the misinformation, hype, and total BS.

    And this has to do with today’s topic of how “dark chocolate” is healthy for you.

    Even people that I totally respect, such as Dr. Gundry, Dr. Mercola, and Dave Aspery are promoting this. And I don’t mean to single out these guys – I mention them only because I’ve learned a lot from them and they’ve helped millions of people, far more than I have.

    Dark Chocolate Benefits

    And this all started a few months ago when I saw a dark chocolate bar on my mom’s table. I asked her why she was having it, and she said, “I heard that it’s really healthy for you and you’ll live longer because of it.”

    Well, my mom is 80 years old and she’s also a “foodie”. She loves to eat and will find any reason to eat some kind of junk food IF she thinks it has some potential health benefits.

    What The So-Called “Experts” Are Saying

    If you do a search about “dark chocolate benefits”, you’ll see well over 60 million results.

    Some of the more popular people and guys I respect, such as Gundry1, Mercola2, and Aspery state that some of the benefits of dark chocolate3 are:

    Contains polyphenols and flavonoids. Big deal, it’s not that much. Fresh berries, good quality green tea or coffee, and supplements contain way more.

    Good for your heart and brain by improving cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood flow.
    This is done because it helps thin the blood.

    Fish oil is FAR more powerful and has way more health benefits. Taking Blood Flow Optimizer has even more benefits because it also strengthens your arteries and veins, making them more pliable and flexible and thus, reducing your risk of a rupture that can cause a heart attack or stroke.

    Improves your mood because it helps produce dopamine and serotonin, which are called “feel-good hormones” or more accurately, neurotransmitters. Again, this is totally lame. It’s in tiny amounts.


    Exercise, sunshine, touch, or even smiling does much more to improve these chemicals. So does taking natural herbs and amino acids found in ProVanax, which is backed by DECADES and hundreds of clinical studies – not just a few recent ones.

    Dark Chocolate Clinical Studies

    Speaking of clinical studies regarding dark chocolate and its benefits. Did you know there are over 100 studies about dark chocolate, as a “miracle-safe food”?4

    Do you know who funded all of these 100+ studies?… Mars Inc, that’s right – the company that makes Snickers, Twix and M&M’s.

    Yes, more clinical studies have hidden agendas – which is to make more money.

    I can dig a lot deeper into this topic, but I think you get the point.

    So let’s move on to the…

    Best Type of Dark Chocolate

    Now, if you are going to have dark chocolate, the so-called “experts” say you should have at least 72% Cacao and preferably, 90% to even 99% cacao, which by the way, tastes really bad.

    Dr. Gundry says, “more bitter, more better”.

    Great, I agree.

    Which means you do NOT want any Milk Chocolate in it or sugar. Unfortunately, over 95% of “dark chocolate bars” contain milk and sugar. So read the labels.

    One of the highest dark chocolate % bars, which Dave Aspery also recommends is Excellence 99% Cocoa Bar by Lindt.


    What’s interesting is that a clinical study suggests the benefits of dark chocolate would be at about 50 grams daily for a minimum of 8 weeks.5 Which just happens to be this exact bar of Lindt that I just mentioned.6

    However, this is also 270 calories daily, consisting of 25 grams (225 calories) of fat, 4 grams (16 calories) of carbs, and 7 grams of protein (no amino acid profile) (28 calories).

    Umm… sorry to burst your bubble, but this is just fat and high calories. No vitamins or minerals, other than some iron.

    You’ll get FAR more benefits out of 2 tablespoons of healthy fats (same calories) such as Udo’s oil, fish, hemp, olive, and macadamia oil. Which all consist of ESSENTIAL fats that you NEED to survive.


    Now, some people say just have this as a treat in moderation. While others tell you to have them daily.

    This is a lot of empty calories to have daily, especially for most people who probably need to lose unwanted fat.

    And for 99% of people, it’s very hard to have chocolate, in moderation, as an “occasional treat”. I have tremendous willpower and I don’t crave sweets and trust me, after a while, “moderation” is going to turn into something daily.


    Which is exactly what happened to my mom.

    When I told her to stop eating the chocolate, she lost 2 lbs in a month.

    Bottom Line

    IF you want to have chocolate, go ahead. Enjoy it because you like chocolate.

    But please don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’re doing your body a favor. And that it’s healthy and good for you.

    It’s not.

    There are a lot of other healthy foods at the same calories or less.

    And if you’d like to lose some fat, then consider getting all the benefits and so much more, through herbs and supplements – it’s far more powerful and has no calories.

    And YES, herbs are natural – but a chocolate bar is most definitely NOT!

    1. https://gundrymd.com/dark-chocolate-polyphenols/
    2. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/21/can-eating-this-sweet-treat-decrease-risk-of-the-1-cause-of-death.aspx
    3. https://draxe.com/nutrition/article/benefits-of-dark-chocolate/
    4. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/10/18/15995478/chocolate-health-benefits-heart-disease
    5. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-5491.2010.03108.x/abstract
    6. https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/lindt/excellence-noirissime-99%25-cocoa
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