đź“Ź How To Get Shorter & Decrease Your Height (Big Bang Theory)?!! (2024)

    So today, I’m going to talk about a topic that I never thought I’d talk about and that’s how you can get shorter and decrease your height. Is it even possible and why would someone want to do this?

    The irony is I did an article about “the secret to getting taller” and that’s well-received.

    Which makes sense. Most people, especially guys, want to get taller.

    So, why have I gotten dozens of questions about how to get shorter?

    I don’t know.

    But, this blog is for YOU, so that’s what I’m going to talk about today.

    Reason to Get Shorter

    Now, if you’re a tall woman, I can for sure understand why you would want to get shorter.

    Women want their guys to be taller than them. In fact, statistics show that only about 1% of women marry a person shorter than them.

    tall short

    Of course, if you’re super tall… like over 6 feet or 6’5’’, women, you have lower odds of finding a guy that’s taller than you and that you also are attracted to – physically and emotionally.

    So, you’ll end up “settling” for someone shorter.

    How to Lose Height

    Now comes the big question, can you get shorter?

    Well, the truth is that we all shrink in size as we get older. But, who cares what your height is when you’re 65, right?…

    Unfortunately, the answer is NO, you can’t get shorter. You can’t decrease your height.

    However, there are things you can do, to not appear as tall and certainly, not taller than you are.

    The first is you must wear flats.

    Ladies, no high heels.

    Look at the popular show, the Big Bang Theory.

    The female actress, Kaley Cuoco, who plays Penny is almost always wearing flat shoes on the show.

    Big-Bang-TheoryOr she’s barefoot or wearing flip-flops.


    This isn’t by accident. This is because she’s 5’6” while her co-star and boyfriend on the show, Johnny Galecki who plays Leonard, is 5’5”.

    She’s an inch taller than him.

    Thus, they don’t bring attention to the height issue by her wearing high heels.


    This is the same with Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man.

    When they are together, she is barefoot.

    This is because they are both the same height, 5’9”

    Secondly, don’t wear your hair up to give you extra height.





    This is a great tactic if you’re short, but not if you want to not look as tall.

    Lastly, since there’s nothing you can do about it, stop thinking about it. Stop seeing it as a negative. Stop wasting valuable time worrying about it.

    I always tell people, to spend their time and energy on things they CAN control – not other people, the past, or the future.


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