L-Arginine – Boosting Growth Hormone & Growing Taller In 2024

    A little while back, in 2024, I did an article about how to grow taller.

    However, today’s topic comes from a question from one of my readers. He asked:

    Dr. Sam – I’ve watched so many of your videos and I have a question – I take L-Arginine every night before bed to help boost my growth hormone levels, so I can get taller. I’m 17 years old. Will this work? I’ve also read how taking Arginine will increase the prolactin hormone, is this correct? Because I’ve read that female hormones, such as estrogen, cause you to stay short. if that’s the case, then the increase in the female hormone Prolactin could cause me to not grow taller. I’m really confused. So, will arginine help me get taller or keep me short?

    Okay, so a few good questions and comments. It’s nice to see you’ve been doing your research.

    Grow-Taller L-Arginine

    L-Arginine And Growth

    First, L-arginine will help boost HGH levels temporarily and not by much. Thus, you’re not going to get any real “Growth Hormone” effects – fat burning, muscle growth, or height. You’d have to take many grams of it daily and again, nothing that will cause you to SEE any positive physical improvements.

    It will help with Blood Pressure and Nitric Oxide levels, but – nothing with GH levels.

    Secondly, yes – taking Arginine will also boost Prolactin levels, a female hormone. Which can typically go up as GH levels go? Which is fine.

    Thirdly, yes –  the increase in Prolactin will typically also cause an increase in estrogen levels. How much depends on your body, genetics, body fat levels, and aromatase enzymes. And yes, higher estrogen will fuse the bones earlier and faster and thus, prevent continual and maximal growth.

    However, after everything is said and done, taking Arginine will not have any positive or negative effects on your goal of achieving more height. It’s just too weak compared to the massive amounts of GH that are required to force “more growth” and bypass your predisposed genetic limit for height.

    The correct combination is exogenous GH and a decrease in estrogen levels – through diet, supplements, and/or medications.

    ALL of which would need to be spoken with a good endocrinology doctor.

    But I speak about this in more detail in my original article, The Secret To Growing Taller.

    Read or re-read that article right now, so you’ll be educated and know how to accomplish your goals.

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