Taking Testosterone Injections VS Testosterone Boosting Supplements

    Today I want to talk about a question I get asked often. I’m a bit surprised mainly because I didn’t think there was so much confusion about it.

    The topic is increasing your testosterone levels “exogenously”, which means from the OUTSIDE, artificially – such as with testosterone injects, creams, or pills.


    Increasing your testosterone “endogenously,” which means from WITHIN, naturally – such as with supplements, herbs, vitamins, and so forth.

    injections vs supplements

    And I bring this up because Salvadore asked the following question:

    Dr. Sam, I’ve been using the testosterone boosting herbal supplement AlphaViril for almost 9 months now and things are going well. My libido and sex drive is high all the time (which my wife loves!), I’ve gained muscle and strength, my body fat is lower (lost 2 inches around my waist =)) and I’m just generally happier and more positive. All good stuff…

    However, my wife is now telling me that this is the same as taking steroids, like testosterone injections. Like what bodybuilders take. She says this isn’t natural. I don’t agree, but she’s worried. Can you please make a video about this, so I can put this topic to rest?

    So the short answer to your question is that NO, taking AlphaViril or other testosterone-boosting supplements is NOT at all like taking testosterone injections or “steroids.”

    Most Supplements Don’t Work

    First, most of these supplements don’t work anyway. AlphaViril works because it’s clinically proven and the focus isn’t “only” on increasing testosterone. It ALSO works by “decreasing” negative hormones such as female (estrogen, prolactin) and stress hormones (cortisol).


    This doubles and triples the benefits, without any negatives.

    I’ll get to the importance of this in a minute because it’s very valuable and it is why you have gotten positive results.

    Testosterone Injections, Pills, and Creams

    Taking testosterone – whether it’s with injections, creams, or pills, is far more powerful. You can keep taking more and more, higher and higher dosages and continue to see more and more effects — both positive AND negative.


    In fact, this is why bodybuilders are bigger, more muscular, and leaner – lots of testosterone and other steroids derived from testosterone.

    However, with it also comes a lot more negative side effects:

    • Acne
    • Hair loss
    • Prostate growth
    • Moodiness (happy, sad, anxiety, etc.)
    • Man Boobs” (Gynecomastia)whe
    • Higher cholesterol and blood pressure
    • Impotence
    • Testicular shrinkage
    • Etc., etc.

    In order to reduce these negatives, you ALSO need to take “inhibiting” drugs to reduce estrogen, prolactin, DHT, HCG, and other hormones. It can get very complicated.

    Plus, once you start, you can’t stop because taking testosterone will SHUT down your own production, and thus, your testicles shrink and sometimes just disappear into little raisins.

    testicles shrink

    Anyway, the point is that with moregrowth” (muscle, strength, lower body fat), ALSO comes more side effects. Especially if you’re over the age of 35. The older we get, the more sensitive we become to side effects.

    How Natural Supplements Work

    However, if you get a natural supplement that actually works, such as AlphaViril, all it’s doing is MAXIMIZING and OPTIMIZING your own testosterone levels. Naturally… from within.

    Testosterone Boosting Supplements

    Because of this, there’s a limit.

    It’ll take it to the highest NATURAL levels for your body – like when you were young. Actually, it’ll make it a little higher, but still in a safe and healthy range.

    And the other benefit of AlphaViril is that it also has natural “inhibitors”, which will reduce “negative” hormones (female, stress, etc.) and this will further improve the results and optimize your testosterone.

    Now you won’t have the negative side effects. It actually HELPS your prostate. It can INCREASE your testicular size. You won’t get acne, hair loss, and so forth.

    However, you also will NOT gain 30-50 lbs of muscle like you do with artificial testosterone and other steroids.

    testosterone injectionsDoes this make sense?

    I have nothing against taking testosterone shots IF you have a good doctor who understands all the complicated hormones and knows how to balance them out. And only AFTER you’ve tried the natural methods and thus, the injections are your last hope.

    Because like I said, once you start taking testosterone shots, you can’t stop!

    So there you have it.

    If you want to become a pro bodybuilder, you’ll need to take lots of testosterone and other steroids. You’ll never get the same results with AlphaViril.

    However, If you want to make improvements in your health, how you look and feel, gain muscle, lose fat, and increase your libido, then optimize your testosterone levels and balance out your hormones, naturally.

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