#1 Food For Increasing Your Testosterone & Libido In 2024

    Today I’m going to simplify the topic of increasing your testosterone & libido. I’m going to clarify all the silly misunderstandings about this important subject.

    I would say that 95% of the information you hear about this topic — online, articles, blogs, YouTube and so forth — it’s ALL WRONG!

    testosterone libido

    These so-called ‘experts’ list foods such as:

    • “special” fruits or vegetables that have lots of good vitamins
    • spicy foods or alcohol because they may increase your blood flow
    • beans or meat because they have healthy protein …
    • whole grains because they have fiber and help with weight loss
    • on and on.

    It’s a lot of “stuff” that *may* help a LITTLE… but they NEVER address the REAL problem and CAUSE of low libido, which is a HORMONAL IMBALANCE!


    • If your sex drive and libido isn’t where you’d like it to be or where it used to be.
    • You have a hard time getting or maintaining an erection.
    • If you’re just not “driven”mentally, physically or emotionally — when it comes to sex or just life in general.

    Then the problem is hormonal imbalance which typically means:

    1. LESS “pro-sexual” hormones – such as testosterone.
    2. MORE “anti-sexual” hormones – such as estrogen, prolactin and cortisol

    So now our goal is to…

    Increase Your “Good” Hormones & Decrease The “Bad” Ones

    … and one of the best ways to do this is to

    Eat FAT To Increase Testosterone & Libido

    The best type of food that increases testosterone is FAT and more specifically, saturated fats and cholesterol.


    Now, you might be freaking out and thinking “Okay Dr. Sam — you’re insane!!! My cholesterol is going to go through the roof and I’m going to have a heart attack!

    Nope, not true.

    First of all, over 80% of the cholesterol found in your blood and arteries is NOT from foods you eatbut produced from your LIVER!1

    Fats Produce Hormones

    Cholesterol and saturated fats help produce most of your sex hormones – especially testosterone. Cholesterol helps lower your stress hormone, cortisol — which does the OPPOSITE of testosterone.

    In fact, without cholesterol, you’d die eventually.

    Aging Is The Real Problem For Low Testosterone & Libido

    And for those of you who are really concerned about having high cholesterol — the PRIMARY cause of high cholesterol is AGING and the negative change in your hormones!!!

    This is why the older you get, the worse your cholesterol levels. This is why women who go through menopause start having high cholesterol.

    Again, it all comes down to a hormonal imbalance!!!

    The TYPE Of Fat Matters

    What MATTERS is WHERE you get your fats.

    Don’t go fry up some bacon and think this is healthy. Most animal and dairy fats are the problem. Heating oils, processed vegetable fats, hydrogenated and trans fats are the problem.

    Instead, have HEALTHY fats. Have free-range eggs WITH the yolk. Have 2-3 of these 3-4x weekly.

    The BEST way to eat eggs are RAW — but if you can’t do that, at least keep the yolk runny and soft, which will increase your “good” HDL cholesterol.2

    Don’t FRY your eggs. If you want to have some free-range, grass-fed meat or bison/buffalo 2-3x a week, that’s fine too.


    Grass-fed red meat has higher levels of CLA fats, which boost testosterone, reduce cortisol, are anti-inflammatory, and help reduce many health problems.

    Other than that, I would stay away from most other meats because they’re processed and full of negative hormones such as ESTROGEN, which will LOWER your testosterone and libido.

    Lastly, have some HEALTHY saturated fats and one of the best is raw, extra virgin coconut oil. Have 1-3 tablespoons daily, spread out throughout the day.


    Not only does raw coconut oil improve your testosterone and fat-burning hormones, it also helps increase blood flow and circulation — both of which are important for your sex drive and erections.3


      1. The primary cause of low libido and erection problems is an imbalance in your hormones.
      2. You want to increase your “pro-sexual” hormones such as testosterone and decrease your “anti-sexual” hormones such as estrogen, prolactin and cortisol.
      3. Eat more healthy cholesterol from free range eggs, including the yolks.
      4. Have some healthy saturated fats from raw, coconut oil

    Yes, there are other diet and lifestyle improvements you can make to help increase your sex drive…

    However, for the fastest results and biggest improvements — eat more healthy fats and take specific “pro-sexual” herbs and vitamins.

    It’s the most natural and safest way for long-lasting results.

    1. http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/body-cholesterol.shtml
    2. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/03/10/the-sunny-side-of-eggs.aspx
    3. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2006; 48(4): 715-720, “Consumption of Saturated Fat Impairs the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of High-Density Lipoproteins and Endothelial Function”
    4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC201014/
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