Natural Cures for Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum depression is a state of being that medical science has only recently really began to study. While the effects of this form of depression have been known for many years, the extent to which it can affect women has only recently been understood. While most cases of postpartum depression are mild in nature, there are severe cases in which the person has performed extreme acts which have raised the subject of effective treatment.

    Fortunately, there are natural treatments for this form of depression that center on wellness and openness about the feelings that are being experienced. The most important aspect for someone who is suffering from this form of depression is that they need to avoid isolation and instead engage with others so that they can successfully overcome the effects.

    Natural Methods of Recovery

    This is a form of depression that cannot be treated on its own, but it can be overcome by most women without having to use antidepressant prescription medications.

    Eat a Healthy Diet: It may sound amazing, but eating a healthy diet is one way to help alleviate the effects of postpartum depression.

    Exercise: This is another way to help combat the effects of depression. While your workouts do not have to be intense as you can simply walk with your baby or engage in light exercise, it is important to get the blood to flow and the body moving which can help you feel better and more energetic.

    Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant and will only make a person feel worse. Plus, the aftereffects such as dehydration and the inevitable hangover from overuse will only worsen the condition.

    Vitamin & Mineral Supplements: There are a number of vitamins that can help a person overcome the effects of postpartum depression. These should be consumed along with eating a healthy meal.

    • Vitamins B6, B9, B12 & C
    • Amino Acids
    • Magnesium

    Amino acids in particular make for effective antidepressant substances since they are often found in the brain’s neurotransmitters. In essence, they can help supplement what the brain may be missing which is causing the depression to occur. Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 help the body convert the folate into L-methylfolate which is used to create substances like serotonin in the brain that helps people to feel better.

    Magnesium deficiency is also part of many women who suffer from postpartum depression. By restoring the proper amount, it will help relieve the restlessness, cramps, insomnia and other conditions that commonly occur with this particular form of depression.

    In addition, proper treatment using these natural substances and methods needs patients to really work. There are no overnight cures or instant happiness that accompanies these natural substances. However, as the vitamins, amino acids and minerals are absorbed into the body along with the healthy diet and exercise, people who are feeling the effects of postpartum depression will notice that the signs will start to fade over time. While not immediate, using healthy, natural methods will eventually work in most women who suffer from postpartum depression.

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