Using l-Methylfolate for Depression

    Ever since the 1960’s, researchers have linked the lack of folate to depression, the more serious symptoms that affect roughly 7% of adults every year. In addition, more than half the people who suffer from depression at any point in their lives will have a relapse at a later point.

    However, it is not actually the lack of folate, but the inability of the body to transform it into L-methylfolate that can cause many of the symptoms of depression that millions of people will experience. Understanding the link between L-methylfolate and depression has led to new research which has allowed for the artificial production of this substance as an effective treatment.

    What is L-Methylfolate?

    Basically, this is the form of folate that is transformed by the body so that it can pass into the brain and help it create the necessary chemicals to keep it properly balanced. Quite often, depression is caused by the lack of important chemicals like serotonin which help keep the brain functioning properly. Unfortunately, since the body will not convert the folate in certain people, an artificially developed form of L-methylfolate has been created which can be absorbed from the bloodstream and into the brain.

    In addition, because this is actually a natural product there are no side effects associated with taking L-methylfolate. Plus, it can be found over the counter and is very inexpensive when compared to many traditional antidepressant drugs.

    How it Works

    Basically, L-methylfolate crosses over the blood-brain barrier to help the neurotransmitter synthesis and indirectly create serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine which helps regulate the mood of the brain to help keep depression symptoms in check. There have been many studies to show that L-methylfolate will help restore the brain to its proper function the same way that serotonin and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors do.

    There have been many different studies and research on this substance which has helped change the prescriptions for many people suffering from depression. While it does not work in all cases, it does have a powerful influence on the brain which helps to balance out the chemicals that are produced. Essentially, in people who cannot properly absorb folate and change it over to L-methylfolate so that the brain can benefit, they are highly likely to suffer from symptoms of depression.

    This means that now people who notice and report the symptoms of depression to their doctor can have their folate level checked to see if their bodies are making the conversion. If not, then they can be offered this very inexpensive treatment which may have a substantial effect on their depression symptoms. The effects from the substance are usually felt rather quickly, although enough will have to be absorbed into the brain for it to start making a big difference.

    Naturally, other tests will have to be performed and L-methylfolate may not be the answer. But it is inexpensive and it causes no side effects which makes it the seemingly perfect answer for many people who may be suffering from depression do their body’s inability to properly convert folate.

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