Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons

    Around the world there are millions of people who are overweight and some who are morbidly obese. For those people in particular, the option that a surgical procedure can help rectify their condition is certainly an attractive option.

    Gastric bypass surgery has become quite popular in recent years thanks to the dramatic effects that it has had on the people who have undergone the procedure. It is a radical form of treatment that has caused thousands of people to shed their excess fat. However, it is not without complications and before a person goes ahead with the surgery, it is important to know what it is, what it does and the advantages as well as disadvantages that are present.

    What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

    This is a form of surgery that is fairly straightforward in nature. The stomach is reduced to the point where it can only hold a fraction of the food it once did. Because the stomach is restricted, the amount of food is greatly reduced and the person begins to shed the excess fat. The most common type of surgery is called the Roux-en-Y and uses relatively tiny incisions to “staple” the stomach so that its volume is reduced significantly.

    The Pros of Gastric Bypass Surgery

    There are a number of advantages to this type of surgery as it is fairly quick and the patient can start eating solid foods within a short time frame.

    Studies have shown that people who have this type of surgery drop the excess weight very quickly and will continue to lose the weight for up to two years afterwards as well. In addition, up to 70% of the people who have this type of surgery will keep the weight off for as long as 10 years, if not longer. This makes it one of the most effective forms of weight loss around.

    Improved Health:
    The long term loss of the weight means that the health complications associated with obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea to name a few are greatly reduced. The overall improvement in their health is dramatic when followed up with exercise and eating healthy.

    The Cons of Gastric Bypass Surgery

    Despite all the advantages, there are certain risks to this form of surgery both in terms of the procedure and the effects it will have on the body.

    Permanent Changes:
    Basically, your diet and lifestyle will undergo a permanent change in terms of the foods that can be eaten. Without vitamin and mineral supplements, your body may become malnourished and suffer from the effects of anemia, low energy and run the risk of a lowered immune system as well.

    Dumping Syndrome:
    This is a symptom caused when the person consumes foods high in sugar content that are simply passed through the stomach and they may experience nausea, acid reflux or diarrhea.

    Although the method is straightforward, gastric bypass is still major surgery and there may be risks and complications. So, it is very important that you talk with your doctor before undergoing this procedure. There are other, non-surgical choices out there which may be better for your particular condition.

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