Liposuction Pros and Cons

    When it comes to removing fat from the body, liposuction is one of the more popular surgical techniques that is being used. Liposuction itself is the direct removal of fat from the body, although the exact methods may differ according to the equipment that is used. While some forms of liposuction scrape the fat from inside the body, laser liposuction actually melts the fat as it is being removed.

    What Are the Pros of Liposuction?

    There are a number of benefits to using the liposuction procedure and in many cases they do outweigh the disadvantages.

    Immediate Results:
    This particular procedure has an immediate impact because it removes the fat directly. This means that you’ll see the difference as soon as the procedure is complete in the areas where it was used. In addition, when the swelling from the liposuction goes down, the improvements will become even more dramatic. Compared to traditional methods of weight loss, this is arguably the quickest form that you can find.

    Safe & Quick:
    Liposuction is a time-tested method that has been used on many thousands of people. Over that time, there have been relatively few complications that have resulted from this procedure. In addition, there is far less downtime to this form of fat removal as compared to other methods. This makes it the preferred way to surgically remove the fat.

    Because the fat removal is permanent, eating right and exercising will meant that you will retain your leaner appearance.

    What Are the Cons of Liposuction?

    However, while the procedure is has many advantages, there are a few disadvantages that you will need to consider before undergoing the surgery. Be sure to take to your physician before making your decision about whether this is best for you.

    General Anesthesia:
    While mostly safe, it is not as safe as being under local anesthesia, yet traditional liposuction requires the patient to be under general anesthesia which does offer some complications to a small number of people.

    Constant Maintenance:
    In order to prevent the fat cells from coming back to the area which they were removed, the person has to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. Otherwise, the area will fill up and may even look worse that before.

    There are a number of complications that may result from the traditional liposuction method, including the following:

    • Excessive bleeding.
    • Hematoma.
    • Infection.
    • Seroma formation.
    • Blood clots.
    • Delayed healing, wound separation and scarring.

    One or more of these complications may occur when you undergo a liposuction procedure. Even when the proper care is taken, that may not prevent complications from occurring.

    Pain and Discomfort:
    Traditional liposuction may involve a painful recovery period as the body recovers from the surgery, incisions, swelling and other adjustments that have to be made.

    Liposuction is really designed as a cosmetic procedure to address a single area of the body and not one that is designed to lose weight on a permanent basis. For those who have a small area of their bodies were the fat does not easily burn away, then liposuction may be the perfect treatment. For those who have a great deal of weight to lose, there are other forms of treatment that may be better.

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