🍴 The WORST Way To Lose Fat & Keep It Off For 2024

    Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism

    People are always asking me what’s the best way to lose weight. Which, really isn’t your goal because what you really want to do is lose FAT.

    And most people who try to lose weight, end up losing more valuable muscle and water weight over time. This screws up their hormones and metabolism, resulting in eventual frustration and then they end up gaining all the weight back and usually more.

    weight loss help

    So they ask me if there’s a special diet – maybe it’s a ketogenic or low-carb diet or some sort of fasting. Or if they should be eating lots of protein or some other specialized diet.

    Then I have people asking me if exercise is the best way to lose fat. Is it cardio, weight lifting, high-intensity interval training, or some new, scientific protocol used by Olympic athletes?

    And of course, I also have people asking if there’s a special pill, or a new drug, or maybe some cool herb from the Amazon jungle, or something else that will cause fast fat loss.

    weight loss confusion

    Now, the truth is that each of these methods works at the beginning, but your body quickly adapts and the fat loss stops. Then there are negative changes to your hormones, slowing down your metabolism even more.

    The end result is you start to gain weight again and this time, it’s mostly fat – especially belly fat.

    Because of this, I want you to read my other article on this topic, which reveals the problems with most weight loss plans – whether it’s diet, exercise, or supplements.

    And more importantly, the BEST way to lose fat and keep it off, long-term.

    It’ll be easier, safer, and better for your hormones, and you won’t feel deprived or have low energy.

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